The Blood of Our Heroes Protected the Sanctities and Preserved the Dignity of Iraq


The Blood of Our Heroes Protected the Sanctities and Preserved the Dignity of Iraq


On the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the issuance of the fatwa for Jihad Kafaei and the establishment of the Popular Mobilization Forces, the representative of His Eminence the Grand Religious Authority Ayatollah Sheikh Bashir Al-Najafy (may Alah prolong his life) and the director of his central office in Najaf, His Eminence Sheikh Ali Al-Najafy, emphasized in a televised speech the significance and status of the Popular Mobilization Forces and their contributions to the sacred soil of our homeland in the liberation war against terrorism.

"On this blessed anniversary of the issuance of the sacred fatwa for defensive jihad, which came by the grace of Allah (Glory be to Him) and the blessings of our great Marja’iyya, we thank and praise Allah (Glory be to Him)." Sheikh Ali Al-Najafy stated.

Regarding the sacred jihad fatwa, he continued: "This fatwa was issued during severe and difficult circumstances that Iraq was going through and had a great impact on protecting the homeland and preserving its dignity. On this occasion, we remember our heroes and fighters who responded to the call of the blessed fatwa and sacrificed their lives in defense of the homeland."

He added: "By the grace of Allah (Glory be to Him) and the success granted by these pure bloods, we were able to protect the sanctities, preserve the land and honor. We ask Allah to keep us steadfast on the path of truth outlined by our blessed Marja’iyya, which cares about the security, stability, religion, and future of Iraq." Concerning the martyrs of the Popular Mobilization Forces, he said: "We ask Allah to have mercy on our martyrs, heal our wounded, honor Islam and its people, and protect this blessed country, the land of sanctities and history. We call for the continuation of remembering these heroic stances that revived and defended Iraq. We always remember that the values and principles brought by Islam are the way to achieve happiness in both worlds."

Sheikh Ali Al-Najafy concluded his speech with a prayer to Allah to protect the fighters and their families, bless Iraq with security and stability, and recalled that this bright page in Iraq's history is a testament to the greatness of the Iraqi people and their resilience in facing challenges.

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