Address of the Office of His Eminence Grand Ayatollah Sheikh Basheer Hussain Al-Najafy to the Ninth International Scientific Conference of the Association of Specialized Studies between the Hawza and the University

Address of the Office of His Eminence Grand Ayatollah Sheikh Basheer Hussain Al-Najafy to the Ninth International Scientific Conference of the Association of Specialized Studies between the Hawza and the University


In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

All praise is due to Allah for completing the religion, perfecting the blessing, and for the satisfaction of the Lord. May Allah's peace be upon the Master of Messengers, Abu al-Qasim Muhammad, and upon his pure family. May Allah's eternal curse be upon all their enemies.

Allah, the Exalted, said: "Allah will raise those who have believed among you and those who were given knowledge, by degrees." (Quran 58:11). The Almighty, said: "And say, 'My Lord, increase me in knowledge.'" (Quran 20:114) Allah, the Most High, has spoken the truth.

The criteria for evaluating men and their worth in societies are based on several standards, among which we mention three: The first criterion is what the capitalist system proposes: the extent of one's wealth. The second criterion is physical strength, as was the case in Roman societies in the past. The third criterion is proposed by Islam and theorized by the Quran: faith, and there are degrees of knowledge.

It is known that life in this world and in the Hereafter cannot continue or be upright without its necessities being provided. Despite this, Allah did not command us to increase and seek abundance in them as He commanded us to seek knowledge, which He bestowed upon us, and He addressed this command to the greatest of creation, the Prophet, commanding him to seek more of the most honorable thing man needs, which is knowledge.

Allah, the Almighty, has blessed us with the Hawza, located in Najaf Al-Ashraf, and also blessed us with universities spread across our beloved homeland. It is well known that both blessings form the essential element of the believers' dignity. What our youth learn in universities benefits people in their worldly lives, and the Hawza's teachings pave the way for honor in both their worldly and afterlife. Together, they bring dignity to all humanity through their preachers, advisers, authors, wise people, theorists, and others.

The Hawza and the university together form the backbone of a dignified life for Iraq and beyond; just as the Hawza interacts with Iraqi universities, it also seeks to collaborate with sound universities around the world. Universities serve to benefit people under the guidance of returning knowledge to the First Creator; otherwise, the world would be corrupted as part of it has been by deviations leading humanity to ruin and loss. The Hawza in Najaf Al-Ashraf is the mother of all Hawzas in the world and the source of all Hawzas because it draws from the principles of the true religion, lives under the care of the Commander of the Faithful (peace be upon him and his pure descendants), and guides people on the straight path.

In this respected gathering, we should focus on aspects of mutual cooperation between the Hawza and the university. The Hawza needs the aware individuals to help spread sound awareness in society. The scholars of the Hawza cannot dispense with the efforts of university graduates, and likewise, universities benefit from and are guided by the Hawza in all aspects of life through all its cadres and pioneers so that each individual knows what is permissible and what is not permissible in light of the noble Sharia.

In this regard, we draw the attention of university leaders and their pioneers to the fact that there are incorrect intellectual movements and atheistic tendencies behind which lie evil souls and wicked tongues spreading unsound ideas in universities. It is unfortunate that some professors also participate officially in spreading atheism and deviant thoughts, while a professor is considered an educator, a guide, and a teacher.

We hope that such conferences earnestly cooperate in granting our youth the opportunity to acquire beneficial knowledge, making knowledge a means to know the greatness of the Creator and the marvel of His creation, and then act upon it in a way that leads our nations to progress and elevation in both worlds.

We hope that university cadres and pioneers seek guidance from the Hawza to discern sound thought from other thoughts. They should be guided by the Hawza in what helps them refute doubts and ensures their safety in their conduct.

University staff should prevent the spread of moral corruption in universities and strive to encourage students to adhere to religion and avoid what Satan invites, such as unjustified and unwarranted mixing between genders, and ensure that our sons and daughters dress modestly. Let our daughters be esteemed in the university as they are at home.

I pray to Allah to grant us success in ensuring the safety of both pillars of life, the Hawza and the university, for He is Most Merciful and Loving.

Peace be upon you.

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