The Blood of the Master of Martyrs is the Lamp that Guides Believers to the Right Path

Representative of Grand Ayatollah Al-Najafy to a Delegation from Basra

The Blood of the Master of Martyrs is the Lamp that Guides Believers to the Right Path


The representative of His Eminence Grand Ayatollah the Religious Authority Sheikh Bashir Al-Najafy (may Allah prolong his life) and the director of his central office in Najaf, Sheikh Ali Al-Najafy welcomed a delegation of visitors from Basra, who came to visit the shrine of Imam Ali (peace be upon him).

During the meeting, Sheikh Al-Najafy delivered a guidance speech emphasizing the importance of adhering to the teachings of the Ahlulbayt (peace be upon them) and following their example in all aspects of life.

Who Needs the Lamp?

Sheikh Ali Al-Najafy began his speech by discussing the importance of distinguishing between right and wrong, citing a narration from the Mi'raj (Ascension) of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family). When the Prophet ascended to the heavens, he found written on the leg of the Throne that "Hussein is the lamp of guidance and the ark of salvation." He then posed a discussion question: Who needs the lamp? He answered, undoubtedly, that those who are lost in darkness.

The blood of the Master of Martyrs is the lamp that guides believers to the right path and the ark of salvation for those lost in the sea of life.

What Do the Sacrifices of Imam Hussein (peace be upon him) Mean?

Sheikh Al-Najafy affirmed that Imam Hussein (peace be upon him) rose for the reform of the nation, adding: "The Master of Martyrs (peace be upon him) rose for the reform of the nation and made the greatest sacrifices for this goal, even sacrificing his noble family and loyal companions in Karbala. These sacrifices mean that we must follow in their footsteps and offer the best we have in service of religion and society."

Sheikh Al-Najafy emphasized that Imam Hussein (peace be upon him) represents the highest example of reform and sacrifice, saying: "The Master of Martyrs (peace be upon him) rose for reform, meaning his journey from Medina to Mecca and then to Karbala was for all of us. They stood in Karbala and offered their companions, who were the best, like Zuhair, Burair, John, and Abbis."

The Message of Imam Hussein (peace be upon him) Continues and Will Remain

In another part of his speech, Sheikh Al-Najafy called on the audience to adhere to the teachings of the Ahlulbayt (peace be upon them) and the Holy Quran, saying: "The Quran and the Ahlulbayt are the safeguard that one should cling to for salvation. I ask Allah to make us among the supporters and servants of Hussein and those who weep for him."

Sheikh Al-Najafy also spoke about the importance of prayer in a Muslim's life, citing examples from the lives of the Ahlulbayt (peace be upon them), saying: "The Master of Martyrs went to Iraq and lived the day of Ashura with all its calamities to convey to us the authentic Muhammadan religion, regardless of time and place."

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