Religious Authority Al-Najafy Welcomes a Delegation of Religious Students from Ahvaz and Another Group of Believers from Iran

Religious Authority Al-Najafy Welcomes a Delegation of Religious Students from Ahvaz and Another Group of Believers from Iran


His Eminence: Emphasizes sincerity and closeness to Allah in the pursuit of knowledge.

His Eminence, the Religious Authority Sheikh Bashir Al-Najafy (May Allah prolong his life) welcomed a delegation of religious students from the city of Ahwaz in the Islamic Republic of Iran, as well as a separate group of visiting believers from the republic.

During these meetings, His Eminence His Eminence, the Religious Authority Sheikh Bashir Al-Najafy (May Allah prolong his life) offered a range of fatherly advice and guidance, sharing insights from his personal experience in the pursuit of knowledge at the Najaf Seminary.

His Eminence, the Religious Authority Sheikh Bashir Al-Najafy (May Allah prolong his life) stressed the importance of sincerity in the pursuit of religious knowledge, urging that closeness to God (Glorified and Exalted be He) be the primary goal in the journey of learning. He also called for avoiding hatred and animosity, highlighting their harmful effects on both individuals and society.

His Eminence, the Religious Authority Sheikh Bashir Al-Najafy (May Allah prolong his life) pointed to the esteemed status of Najaf Al-Ashraf, explaining that it is considered a global center for Shia Islam and that its seminary is the "mother of all seminaries" worldwide. He noted that it has produced many great jurists, thinkers, and researchers for the Islamic nation and has significantly contributed to intellectual discourse through its substantial achievements in research, authorship, and scholarly investigation.

Furthermore, His Eminence, the Religious Authority Sheikh Bashir Al-Najafy (May Allah prolong his life) provided the visiting delegations with a series of valuable pieces of advice, emphasizing the significance of visiting sacred shrines and highlighting their profound impact on the faithful in both this world and the hereafter.

His Eminence, the Religious Authority Sheikh Bashir Al-Najafy (May Allah prolong his life) concluded the meeting by stressing the necessity of adhering to the teachings of the noble religion and spreading the values of true Muhammadan Islam within society. He encouraged engaging with all segments of the community and reflecting these principles, values, and ethics in practical life so that each of you may become a true advocate for the Imams of the Ahlulbayt (peace be upon them).

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