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Question:Does kinship include all relatives or fathers and sons, brothers and sisters and their children, uncles, aunts, (whether from father's or mother's side) and their children?
Answer:In the name of Allah, there is no doubt that all humans shares the kinship of relatedness to Eve, because humanity started from that believing woman, the mother of all the prophets, messengers and Imams (PBUT) except for her husband (PBUH). However, there are special rulings that are proven for those who share a womb to the eight grandparents mentioned in the inheritance unit. This kinship type is referred to by Allah's saying "and the possessors of relationships are nearer to each other". There is a third meaning of kinship, which is the one that the common people understand. It is when one says X is my relative, and perhaps it includes uncles and maternal uncles and their common children. In the case of establishing a religious ruling, such as a will, the sharia jurist needs to follow a presumption that determines what is meant. Allah is the Guide and Knowing.
Question:Is the son considered part of those who are covered by the meaning of " keeping good relations with relatives"? What is the right of the son over the father and the right of the father over the son if the son does not live with the father?
Answer:In the name of Allah, the father should remain a guide, instructor and supporter for his son on his religion and his worldly affairs because he [the son] is from him. It is narrated that the master of the faithful (PBUH) said in favour of Hussain (PBUH) "I have found you to be part of me. Moreover, I have found you to be all of me so that if something harms you, it will harm me." Regarding the son, Allah ordered him in His book "Never say "Ugh" to them or scold them, but [always] speak unto them with reverent speech." Yes, the responsibility of alimony is on each of them over the other, but it is when one is capable and the other is in need. Allah knows best.