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Question:It was reported that one of the characteristics of the hair that is wiped upon in ablution is that its seedlings should be at the front of head, and its length should not exceed its limit. Should the limit not exceed the area of the forehead from the quarter above the forehead and not reach above the forehead?
Answer:In the name of Allah, it should not exceed the head limit and reach the forehead. If it reached the forehead, it exceeded its limit. Allah knows best.
Question:If a person wipes on the front of his head on the side of the forehead, or on the top of his head optionally or obligatory, does his wiping correct?
Answer:In the name of Allah, it is correct as in the question. Allah knows best.
Question:If a person's hand touches his forehead while wiping the head, does this invalidate ablution?
Answer:In the name of Allah, it does not invalidate ablution with this action only, but the part that touches the forehead should not be used to wipe the foot. If it is used in wiping the foot, the wiping is invalid and thus the ablution is invalid as well. Allah knows best.
Question:Is it correct to consider the things that necessitate ablution (the exit of urine, feces, gas, demise of the mind, sleep, and medium and minor istihadha) as the same ones that invalidate ablution? Is it correct to include janabat in the things that invalidate ablution, not among the things that require ablution, because the one who becomes in the janabat must perform ghusl not ablution?
Answer:In the name of Allah, the things that happen among matters that invalidate the purity are of different rulings; some require ablution only, some require washing only, and some require both. The first is like urine and sleep, the second is janabat, and the third is like menstruation and istihadha, medium and heavy. These are devotional matters, my son. You must abide by them as they have come to us. Allah is the Guide Knowing.
Question:Regarding the issue of wiping the legs, if my leg fingernails are long and I doubt that water reaches the tip of my toes, do I have to repeat ablution?
Answer:In the name of Allah, be advised son that the moisture of the wiping hand does not have to be conveyed to what is hidden between the nail and the flesh, but it is obligatory to start wiping over the nail. If the nail is long outside the border - the area of the finger- it should not be wiped. Allah knows best.
Question:What is the ruling of a person who performs ablution with impure water, unaware of its impurity?
Answer:In the name of Allah, ablution is invalid, and the prayers that he performed with that ablution are also invalid. He must wash the organs with a pure water and repeat the prayers that he performed with invalid ablution. Allah knows best.