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Question:I give my wife pocket money but in the lately she started keeping the surplus. Does she have to take out Khums from such money?
Answer:In the name of Allah, If you give her the money to be her own property, then you have to take Khums out. Allah knows best.
Question:If we assumed that the date of commencement of work was on (1-1-2017), should the Khums amounts which is credited to me as a gift or so, on (31-12-2016) or before that date, be on (1-1-2017) ) Or (1-1-2018)?
Answer:In the name of Allah, it is a must to take Khums out, but you should know, my son, that the calculation of the Khums is done according to lunar year not the solar. Allah knows best.
Question:If I lend a person a sum of money and give up this amount, then if my Khums year is due, is this amount that I gave up on him included in the Khums?
Answer:In the name of Allah, it is not included in the Khums. Allah knows best.
Question:If there is a transfer of the Khums to another country, the expense of transport, and the transfer by the permission of the Governor or his order, is this expense taken from the Khums or from the money of the transporter’s own money? Is it obligatory for a person who has the Khums to deliver the Khums to the religious ruler, even if he has to pay the expenses from his money?
Answer:In the name of Allah, if the transfer is by the order of the religious ruler, then he is the one who should pay for the transfer even if it is from the same Khums. If the transporter pays, may Allah reward him for that. Allah know best
Question:Is it true that the Khums of earnings was not in the era of the Messenger of Allah except for the Khums of booties of war?
Answer:In the name of Allah, the word “booty” in the honorable verse in its linguistic sense means absolute financial benefit whether it is war or non-war. Allah knows best.
Question:My father has many real estates and farms, and I am the legal agent for him and wants to take out the Khums, but he does not have the financial value to take out Khums from it and does not want to sell it at a loss. He wants to pay a property instead of money for the amount of the Khums, what is the ruling on that? Do you have representatives in the city of Ahsa?
Answer:In the name of Allah, your father is permitted to pay the property as Khums, and we have a representative in Ahsa. One of them is the scholar Sheikh Ali Dahnin. Allah is the Helper and best Knowing.
Question:If the father after taking out Khums of his money gave this Khums money to his son, if the Khums-year of the son is in March, for example, and received money from his father in the month of February, here should the son to add this money to the Khums profits and take out the Khums with his profits?
Answer:In the name of Allah, Yes it is a must. Allah knows best.
Question:On the subject of Khums of profit earnings, is there a term called moral balance? I mean, if I had a sum of money of five million dinars, for example, I spent one million on food, certain items, clothes, etc., and the Khums is taken out from the remaining four millions. Before the end of the Khums-year, I received my salary or any other financial gain in that I have raised six millions dinars. Is it permissible to take out four millions of the six millions and regard them as a sum of which the Khums is taken out, and Khums is only taken out of the two millions?
Answer:In the name of Allah, you should take Khums out from what increases the four millions. Allah knows best.
Question:On the subject of Khums of profit earnings, is there a term called moral balance? I mean, if I had a sum of money of five million dinars, for example, I spent one million on food, certain items, clothes, etc., and the Khums is taken out from the remaining four millions. Before the end of the Khums-year, I received my salary or any other financial gain. Is it permissible to add one million of the gain to four millions from which the Khums is taken out to return five millions which still have the Khums taken out from?
Answer:In the name of Allah, you should take Khums out from what increases the five millions. Allah knows best.
Question:I am an employee and I receive a monthly salary from the state. Is it a condition that a year passes on the first salary in order to take out Khums? Or is it a must that Khums should be taken out of all the salaries even the one which is not included in the Khums year which is in July? Is the salary received in the sixth month included in the Khums?
Answer:In the name of Allah, you should know that setting a date for Khums year is done according to the lunar calendar not the solar calendar. You have a choice between taking out the Khums of each salary right after you receive it and you can spend all salaries on your family and in the end of the Khums year period, you can take Khums out what you have from the salary money whether it is from the month or from previous months. Allah is the best Knowing and Helper.